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Flasked 0.1.0 is an innovative Python package designed to enhance the Flask framework in order to ease the creation of API RESTful endpoints. This package allows developers to add, modify, and remove routes on-the-fly by introducing dynamic route management, making it ideal for interactive environments such as Jupyter notebooks or IPython sessions.


  • Dynamic Route Management: Easily manage your application's routes without restarting the server.
  • Interactive Development: Perfect for use in Jupyter notebooks, allowing for real-time testing and adjustments.
  • Typed Variables in Routes: Define typed variables in your routes for more control and safety.


  • WSGI Compatibility: While Flasked enhances development in interactive environments, deploying to production environments using WSGI servers like Gunicorn may not utilize all dynamic features, even though it is supported.
  • Security Considerations: Dynamic route management, especially in production environments, requires careful consideration of security implications.

Flasked is released under the MIT license, allowing for flexibility in both personal and commercial projects.


Flasked can be easily installed using pip, Python's package installer. Ensure you have pip installed and run the following command in your terminal:

pip install flasked

This command will download and install Flasked along with its dependencies, making it ready to use in your project.